You can consider this as a crash course offered by Word Solvo and we are here to make you comfortable to write any term paper all by yourself, be it term paper format mla or any other format. You can also ask us for a term paper proposal sample to gain clarity on term paper writing.
We are sharing some life hacks and usual formatting tips to make you ace your academic writing - term paper format MLA or any other, whatever you are assigned. However, feel free to contact Word Solvo whenever you face the tiniest bit of difficulty.
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If you have just enrolled in a university course, you have already been baffled enough when slammed by the fearful world of research and different genres of academic writing.
However, such assignments are given to you to foster your critical thinking skills and research skills to prepare you for your future endeavours. But before diving deep into the matter, let us discuss what is actually term paper writing.
What is a term paper? A term paper is generally a research paper usually ranging from 15- 25 pages on a particular topic. And that’s it! We do not need any fancy definition of the same.
Structuring The Outline of your Term Paper Writing
Before composing any piece of academic writing, you need to have a clear idea about what to include and which sections are important. We are sure that you have searched for term paper proposal sample plenty of times only to feel disappointed as most webpages do not explain the elements, though offering a sample.
Oftentimes a student needs to submit an Abstract to get their topic approved. An Abstract is a short summary of your paper outlining your research questions as well as the proposed theoretical framework to be used. This is the base of your term paper writing as it helps you consolidate the topic, its background, aim, and thesis statement
Some of my favourite phrases to use here for your term paper format MLA or other format Abstract include: the aim of the research paper is…, the research paper is directed at unravelling and so on. Do use some powerful verbs to direct the readers' attention carefully. You can choose verbs like- illuminate, assess, analyse, evaluate, examine and so on.
Stating the thesis statement or your hypothesis constitutes the top of the pyramid. While academic writing often asks for some originality in your research, you do not need to feel the pressure of inventing the wheel again. The freshness of ideas will generally unravel itself when you stick to the process of term paper writing and pledge on the journey of attaining perfection and creativity.
Term Paper Writing Format
(Term Paper Format MLA and Others)
1. Cover Page
Your title for the term paper goes here. Use standard fonts (Arial or Times New Roman pt 24 or 16 ideally) for your term paper.
For term paper format MLA, add the student name and ID, professor name, course name and due date in the header as MLA formatted papers do not need a cover page). For term paper format MLA, use Arial or Times New Roman pt. 12 for headers. You can compose the outline of this format while writing your term paper proposal. For more details regarding a term paper proposal sample, click here.
2. Table of Contents
This includes the names and page numbers of headings and subheadings. This is not required for term paper format MLA. However, do include this for other formats like APA or Harvard.
3. The Introduction
is a more elaborate version of your Abstract. Discuss what you are going to elaborate upon, the general background, research aim, and thesis statement or your proposed hypothesis by using the pyramid structure stated above.
4. The Main Body
The body of the research is where you need to put all exciting information, experiments, evidence, and results to be explored in your term paper. Some general elements that you need to use in your term paper are as follows:
- Explain the theoretical framing of your research to set the backdrop
- Explain the methods to be used in your scientific paper to make the readers understand the methodological framework of your academic writing.
5. Conclusion
Wrap up your academic writing or term paper writing by summarising key points of your research and discussing results.
Still Confused about how to Write Your Term Paper?
This means you haven't done your work uprightly. Start digging, and if you can't find a compelling topic yet, consider contacting us at Word Solvo as we are glad to help you even find a suitable topic, unlike other term papers that focus solely on transactional value (fetching your money and handing you the solution without helping your growth).